Forget About Real Levitation Spells, Levitate For Real

First of all, let’s start by covering two very important things to know and understand before we get started. The first thing you need to know and understand, and accept, is the fact that there is no such thing as real levitation spells. Sorry to break the news to you, but it just isn’t so. Some magical spell won’t make you or anything else levitate. The power to levitate things, regardless of whether or not real levitation spells are used, comes from the person, not the spell.
The second thing we need to discuss is the harsh reality that learning how to levitate things, including yourself, takes lots of time, energy, and work. I hate to break this to you also, but there is no magic bullet to make what you want happen, happen. Many people get into witchcraft looking for a secret pill or answer, and there are none. Witchcraft does work to give you what you want, but it doesn’t work without work. Just as there is no magic bullet or secret pill in any other area of life, there is none when it comes to levitation.
If you are still reading this, let’s get on with the real lesson on how to levitate things. Hopefully, if you are still reading this, you have forgotten about real levitation spells and are serious about the time, work, and energy you have to put into these exercises in order to learn how to levitate things for real.
Start by sitting at a table with both hands on the table. Take a few breathes and let go of everything. Focus on just your hands and begin to breathe in and out very intentionally. As you breathe, begin to feel the essence of the air element around you. Once you get a real sense of the air element, begin to focus that element into the pointer finger on your right hand.
As you feel the air element fill your right pointer finger, notice how it begins to feel lighter and lighter. Keep pumping the air element into your finger. Begin to will the finger to lift of it’s own free will. Keep practicing this exercise until your finger begins to rise without any effort or use of muscle on your part. Just let it lift on it’s own.
Once you are able to do this with the pointer finger, move on to the rest of the fingers on your right hand. As you begin to master this, move onto the left hand. Once you are skilled at causing those fingers to levitate, start doing the same exercise with your hands, then your arms. Then move onto your feet and legs. Eventually you will be able to cause any part of your body to levitate at will. Then you can move onto the rest of your body.
Once you are able to cause your body to levitate, you can start moving out into the world and cause things around you to levitate at will as well. It takes a lot of time, a lot of energy, and no amount of real levitation spells will cause it to happen without the work and time and energy. Get the proper training on how to create and manifest what you want in your life if you ever wish for it to become a reality.