Drench the Thirst of Knowledge: The Never Ending Search for Books

What is the difference between a boy and a man? Is it only a difference in age? At the surface, it might seem that with time a male child always grows up to be a man but frankly when we look deeper we can see that a child can only become a man in the society with knowledge. Empirical knowledge, though important, is not sacrosanct as without theoretical knowledge only so much information can be gathered in the average life time.
Civilization has continued to evolve over time and this has been as a result of the transference of practical knowledge through theoretical means using the book as a medium. Before the discovery of the computer and internet it was a lot more difficult to acquire knowledge. Paperbacks sometimes had limited editions: especially those that had exclusivity. With the advent of online libraries the “book search” and “knowledge sharing” has become easier. Today, reading text from exclusive book collections has become relatively easy. Some of the books that are already out of print but very much searched for by people are only available in these online libraries. Getting hold of a paperback from exclusive book collections can be costly, but now these paperbacks are available at a much cheaper price in online libraries.
In addition to knowledge transference, there are other benefits of using an online library. For established writers around the world online social libraries are one of the better places to create fan groups through which they can popularize their writings. Even William Shakespeare could never have dreamed of the opportunities that are available through the social library today. Today’s writers, experienced or new, have been blessed with this great boon: online library. For those writers who are trying to make their mark in the harsh world of writing, the online social library is the place where they can make a mark in an otherwise unsympathetic market. For the nascent writer, there exists a catch 22: the traditional publishers generally prefer a writer with some amount of following, but the new writer generally doesn’t have this. So how does the newly minted writer get a chance? The social library is the equalizing platform. Any fervent reader of a genre, can search for books and find a new writer’s book organically using the online library.
For new writers, getting followers is paramount. Regardless of the objective of the budding writer: increasing followership or making money, the online library is the equalizing platform between the new and established writer.