German Bavaria – The Economic Miracle

The Aquarius Sports Resort Hotel, though it is located in the sleepy western coastal town of Marawila has got a superb Internet and communication facility, which connects the visiting German Praktikum (Internship) students to Germany and rest of the world. Information & Communication Technology leads the modern world in every field.
One internship student has given me some facts with just a few numbers that will speak louder than words about Germany and especially Bavaria’s success in Information & Communication Technology.
I was surprised that the foremost communications site in Germany has more than 100,000 employees and 1,800 companies of which 586 are U.S. companies, all of which are in Bavaria. In fact, Bavaria shares the number one primacy with London for all of Europe and it ranks number four worldwide. How did this happen you may wonder. While there is no single answer, there are numerous contributing factors why so many companies in any imaginable industry felt they needed a base here. Certainly, it has a lot to do with the Bavarian government’s tremendous initiative and support through financial incentives and action programs.
An early foray into Internet communications also ensured a rapid dissemination of information and communication technology. Their “Software Initiative” aimed at developing and marketing software sees a close cooperation between research and industry. Last but not least, there are 20 municipal and 9 technology-based incubator centers providing excellent infrastructure close to wherever you may want to locate your company.
Bavaria has its own merits to be proud of its economic achievements. If Germany could be proud as one of the major components, making the European economic-power base, Bavaria could also be proud of its vital role in making Germany a powerful economic nation in Europe. The motorcycle and automobile makers BMW, Bayerische Motoren-Werke or Bavarian Motor Works and Audi, the consumer electronics Grundig, the electricity, telephones, informatics and medical instruments Siemens, Adidas and Puma have or had a Bavarian industrial base to give Bavaria economic super status.
Some students are proud that Bavaria is the only state renowned for its spectacular vistas and unparalleled beauty and comprises more than a third of all German employees in the aeronautics and space technology sectors. They further said that no other single state could make this claim. Furthermore, they pointed out that that is because the state government recognizes the importance of fostering new developments and encouraging the enhancement of existing technologies.
They once again proudly pointed out that it is no surprise that, DASA, Germany’s equivalent of NASA, is located in Bavaria. The students went on to say that since 1990 Bavaria has spent about 200 million DM for the promotion of aeronautics and space technology projects called TETRA to develop new materials for reusable space transport systems with an additional 50 million DM spent for research projects.
Now the sky is their limit.