Got Complex Reading?

The AP spread the story internationally – SAT Score Drop Biggest in 31 Years!
The New York Times started the story on page 1: Scores on Reading and Math
Portions of the SAT Show a Significant Decline.
In August, 2006, the result of the new, longer version of the SAT slammed the
American Dream. The updated version had a new writing section, advanced math questions, and more reading comprehension.
Was it fatigue because the new SAT took three-hours and 45 minutes, instead
of the standard three-hour exam? The College Board – owners of the SAT – denies
1.5 million kids fell into little pieces of ignorance by an extra 45 minutes.
The Blame Game
Some critics maintain testing itself is to blame – that we are making our kids
neurotic because they have to compete. It is a mental pressure thing.
The last time I looked we live in the most highly competitive society on the planet.
We compete on the ball field, for our mates, and in our personal career. Competitive Americans compile statistics on everything, starting with how much toilet paper the average citizen uses on a given call of nature.
It is our state-of-mind to want to know the best, worst, and the average. What City had the most, least and average number of parking tickets or murders? How does the height of the Empire State building compared to other skyscrapers? Do U.S. babies weigh more than French, German or Australian new-borns?
It is obvious to Americans that bigger-is-better in skyscrapers, babies, and income.
How about test-results?
Results of a 50-Year Study
We surveyed two million graduates over the years on learning, school, and the value of life-long personal-growth. In the primary communication society, where computers and the use of the Internet are beginning to rival car ownership, what does the average college graduate think of school, learning and personal-growth?
You want the truth right, not the glossy version using smoke and mirrors?
Students attending school – from high school to graduate-school – hate, detest and
abhor being in school. What percentage? Now remember, no one want to be a deviate from the values of our society – even in answering a survey.
Seventy-three out-of-a-hundred called the educational system a total waste-of-time. The system sucked – was a given.
Sixty-four percent of college graduates reported they hated school, their teachers and the curriculum. Professionals – lawyers, doctors, engineers and teachers, were about even in speaking with a forked-tongue. Decades later they still hate education, but their kids must absorb all they can, to survive in our Information-Economy.
Number 1 on their anger list is the unfairness of Test-Taking.
The Burning Bush
Like it or not the President Bush legacy will not be Iraq, the Economy or Hurricane Katrina, and the destruction of New Orleans. It will be the No-Child-Left-Behind law, and the additional federal tests mandated by Washington in the name of educational advancement.
The unintended consequences of No Child Left Behind is to keep the SAT honest,
which is the last thing Americans want to happen. Honest test results inevitably lead
to the discovery that our students are cheating to stay even; they are lousy in math
and hate to read anything but Playboy.
U.S. News and World Affairs even knows the Top-Ten Party colleges in the U.S.
Wait – I thought for $50,000 each college year – knowledge-acquisition was the prime function. This is the time to bring up Italian economist, Doctor Vilfredo Pareto who is credited with the 80/20 rule.
The vital-few – 20% – and the useless-many – 80% – make us college society. Up to
20% of students in each class will produce eighty-percent of the highest test-grades.
It applies to our economy – 20% of your work-hours are productive, and 80% is
chit-chat, emails, and playing-the-career game.
It makes sense the underground goal of college is choosing the best Party-School for
the 80%. The U.S. survives because of the dedication of the 20% strivers and competitors. You knew who they were in high school, college and now in your office.
Okay, there are 1% late bloomers – like you-and-me.
You never saw this word before, but instantly know what it means. Speed Braining
is the secret of how to trick your teachers into believing you are an A student. It contains the underground strategies of Acing your tests and grades – while not studying enough to break a raw-egg with an ax. It requires you take the prep workshops, buy the manufactured-thesis, and only study from the text-book synopsis.
I have personal knowledge it works because it got me through college and law school, while having adequate time to party-hardy.
Speed Reading
Would it help the great world of the 80% to 3x their reading speed, and 2x their memory? How about having the permanent skills to read-and-remember three
books, articles and reports in the time your peers can hardly finish even – one?
Did you know that up to 50% of all entering students at four-year colleges,
do not graduate with their class?
How about the fact that 49% of high school students enter college without the
ability to comprehend complex text? Does that explain the drop-out rate – students
who cannot keep up with their daily reading assignments either quit or are axed
by the administration?
Is there anything unfair or unethical about learning new skills to succeed in learning?
We recommend you require your children to take the Kaplan workshop – to ace
their SAT – (we absolutely have nothing to do with them). Ask them to dedicate themselves to mastering speed reading, and abdicate their crown as Party-Animal
of the year.
Ask them to look around and point out the absence of ditch-diggers, elevator-operators – and those who used pump gas into your tank for a living.
Let them know the Knowledge Economy rules – and their life is dependent on
massive information-processing – because winning the Lotto aint an option.
What about Bill Gates, he dropped out of Harvard in his freshman year?
We all have the right to choose our own metaphors – and aiming high is nice too.
Did you know that the U.S. Department of Health reports that one in every four
Americans suffers a form of mental illness. Maybe depression, obsession or compulsion – rules?
Yes, really. Look around at your four best friends, family members or office-associates. If it aint one of the four of them – you might want to stop laughing so hard.
See ya,
copyright © 2006
H. Bernard Wechsler
[email protected]