Recent Life Lessons and Blind America

What hate and violence has recently taught me
Open my mind and eyes wider
Be more cautious with my humor
Be more fragile with my words
No matter who and what people may be
Everyone is in this world –
For a reason good or bad
Have more compassion for people
Make the world a brighter place
Never be ashamed of yourself for being too sensitive
Your feelings matter to a certain extent
Question my equality
Your freedom is important
Believe the U.S.A. still stands –
For liberty and justice for all
Be the one who is stronger than the enemy
By not allowing the one thing that fears you –
Overcome and consume your identity
Do not hold your feelings
As long as they are properly expressed
Do not act out your darkest desires
The repercussions will not be kind
Think of happiness and kindness
Good fortune will come your way
Do not be afraid to cry
It is your tears that make water pure
When a country is too blind to see
People being tormented for their skin color
A controversial president running the country –
Leading the path further and deeper into turmoil
Making choices and decisions
That are affecting the future
That are morally and ethically wrong
Violence anywhere and everywhere
Broken bones and bloodshed
Improper use of weapons
Manipulating people’s beliefs and views
Thinking the U.S.A. is way more dominant and superior
Than any other country in the world –
When all the politicians desire power
To boost their ego even higher
Taxes are getting outrageous
Grocery prices absurd
When democrats and republicans cannot agree
On important issues faced on a daily basis
Equal rights –
Respect for black people
Dignity for developmentally disabled people
Acceptance for transgender people
Pride for homosexual people
Freedom can you hear my cry for mercy?
Glory days of rock music’s popularity long gone
Making anti-government movements
That are unjustified and unpatriotic
The economy in ruins
The 2016 presidential candidates that were absolutely ridiculous
The government more corrupt than ever
When truth and justice are getting harder to obtain
Unlawful police officers –
What happened to serve and protect?
The decrease in respect
The lack of compassion
What makes people happy
What makes people sad
Children committing disgraceful crimes
Adults committing heinous crimes
Friendship not taken for granted
Families falling apart
Love being silenced
Now freedom can you hear my cry for mercy?