Bereavement And The Loss Of A Loved One

No one is immune from the grief and pain that accompanies the loss of a loved one. Following are some things you can learn in the midst of your sorrow. They can change your life for the better – if you are willing to consider them.
Focus Away From Hopelessness And Sorrow
As someone you love is gone or even something you cherished is taken away deep anguish results. There is much you experience as you mourn and much you can learn from your ordeal that may help you change your focus away from hopelessness and sorrow. Deep inside you is the ability to influence and control your sadness and depression. You will find the power to ease the depth of the pain of your loss. Your grief that arises is laced with many emotional ups and downs resulting in some confusion and deep emotional feelings. Yet much can be done as you admit nothing can be done to control the past and begin to control your response to the present. Hope your life is worth living can begin to grow.
Here Are Ideas To Consider
As you consider the following actions think positively for any of these ideas can straighten your back of depression and sadness and start easing the pain of your loss. The power of one single act can send you on a new and rewarding reconciliation journey. It is important to note the synonyms for reconcile: settle, resolve, become peaceful, and become calm. The word “reconcile” comes from the Middle English for “to make good again.” These words all underscore intentions necessary to heal. As you set your intentions to heal, as you travel your grieve journey and reach out for others you can make your life noble again. It’s important to begin to live your life fully and joyfully without the person you have lost. However, sometimes in an effort to smother the pain and disappointment, you may be tempted to overlook your life. It becomes essential and mandatory that you think deeply and take actions necessary to make your life happy. Don’t feel guilty the person you have lost would want that for you.
There Is No Right Way Or Wrong Way To Grieve
As you mourn your loss be aware there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Mourn your loss, it is not only okay but appropriate. Don’t even ask yourself the question of how shall I mourn – mourn however you feel is right and natural. You cannot ever heal without going through a grieving process.
Seniors May Need Help
As a Senior don’t be frightened to ask for help as you grieve. Let those nearest you help. You likely will need someone to lean on or listen to you express your sorrow. If needed, you may need help locating depression or grief counseling. Don’t be unwilling to ask for help from those who you trust and love you. Don’t grieve alone. Turn in the direction of support and understanding. Anticipate the tough times – holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special memory times. Plan ahead and surround yourself with others during these moments. Having company will make these times easier to deal with than being alone. Recognizing you are not alone is knowledge that may be sufficient to cope with your new life. Always look for positive people to add to your social life as you take special care to build a strong support team as you make changes in your new life without your loved one.
You Control What You Chose To Do
There are many choices that have to be made daily. Adjusting to the loss of a loved one is solely dependent on the choices you make. Even when death of a loved one takes place, no one can take away your choices. One of the most important choices you will need to make is whether you are willing to reinvest in life or continue to hang on to your past. The sweet companionship and emotional support of a loved one is absent. How you seek to be nurtured is a new challenge you must consider. Never forget the power you have to decide the steps you will take. Control the structure of your time. Have a plan on how you use each day. Do things first which you have a high possibility of completing. You are the one who controls the attitude you foster. Although difficult, noting the sorrow you carry, you can reshape your attitude. Adapting to ongoing change in your life attitude is essential to peace and happiness.
Govern Your Spiritual Life.
Remember your old life is gone. You cannot wish your old life back. However, you have the ability to add a depth to your spiritual life. You can influence how you build your faith as you place your trust in a power greater than you standing alone. Seek the strength that power provides. Seek peace from your god. Go to your chosen quiet place and pray and meditate. Seek a peace that your loved one is okay after this life. Look for others who share this belief it will help you find a new peace.
Express happy gratitude memory thoughts.
You cannot control everything. Your grief has stuffed you into a completely unfamiliar existence and you are not able to control what has happened. Accept this fact and allow its’ happening. This is a necessary step in your reconciliation journey. In smite of your great unhappiness, your loss is also an opportunity to find new meaning in your life. You have become a continuous work in progress. You have to let life happen. Take advantage of the insight gain and the wisdom learned as you face this unwanted trial of your happiness.